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Board Members

Chair: William Leathem

Appointed as chair from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2027

Second term of appointment


Raymond Donnelly

Appointed from 1 May 2019 to 30 November 2026 

Second term of appointment


Raymond Halvin

Appointed from 1 August 2019 to 31 July 2027

Second term of appointment


Damian Duffy

Appointed from 1st December 2020 to 30th November 2028

Second term of appointment 


Sarah Wakfer

Appointed from 1st December 2020 to 30th November 2028

Second term of appointment 


Ellen Finlay

Appointed from 1st December 2024 to 30th November 2028

First term of appointment 


The Chair position attracts remuneration of £279.18 for each board meeting attended.
Board Members receive remuneration of £144.23 for each board meeting attended.
Travel and subsistence allowances for official busine
ss will be payable.

Any extra work undertaken will be paid at an hourly rate.



Bribery Statement

Usel and its management are committed to a zero-tolerance policy and will not accept any
forms of bribery or corruption taking place within the organisation or by external people
acting on behalf of Usel.

Statement of investment Principles 
& Engagement Policy Implementation Statement


This section is for members of the Ulster Supported Employment Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme (the “Scheme”). The Trustees are required to make certain information available to
the members of the Scheme via a publicly accessible website. To comply with
this requirement governing the disclosure of information, this page has
been created to house this information.


The Statement of Investment Principles (“SIP”) is a document that details the investment
principles that govern decisions about the Scheme’s investments including, but not
limited to, the Trustee's investment strategy, including the investment
objectives and investment policies adopted.


The Engagement Policy Implementation Statement (“EPIS”) outlines information on how,
and the extent to which, the Trustees have put the investment principles outlined in the
SIP into practice and describes the voting behaviour by, or on behalf of the trustees
during the Scheme year.


The SIP and EPIS for the Scheme can be found in the links below.
The Trustees have drawn up these documents to comply with the
requirements of the Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 1995.


Statement of Investment Principles Document (SIP)

Engagement Policy Implementation Statement (EPIS)

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